Available courses

Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts. (Albert Einstein)

Develop a passion for learning, if you do,  you'll never cease to grow.

Anthony J. D'Angelo

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. (Mahatma Gandhi)

This nine-week General English course is an intensive study and provides an integrated approach to the teaching of language skills.  It follows student-centered and teacher friendly approaches to teaching and comprises the most important langaguge and grammar items necessary for beginner level.

The course is designed to meet the needs of beginning students and exposes the latter to variety of exercises and activities on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Each lesson has clearly stated grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation goals which ensure the development of confident speaking and writing.

The course uses a combination of different teaching approaches, including individual, peer and group work, group exercises and class discussions.

Learning never exhausts the mind. (Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci)

“You cannot open a book without learning something.” 
― Confucius

An intensive and interactive General English Upper Intermediate course for students who want to better their English. All language comprehension and productive skills boosted. Speaking with confidence is the goal.

This course aims at the presentation and practice of language at the elementary level of proficiency to communicate simply about everyday occurrences and concerns. Focus is on acquiring relevant vocabulary and building communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing. A more balanced development of listening and speaking skills is emphasized to ensure effective communication

This course in business entrepreneurship is built on the seven knowledge areas of innovation (intellect, domain knowledge, thinking, problem solving, creativity, innovation, as well as execution) applied to entrepreneurial conceptualization and recognition of the business opportunity. Participants will be able to work on their individual organizational skills and be able to readily articulate their business vision, identify the business challenges and be able to analyze and make appropriate decisions. Upon completion of this course the student will have a grasp of the fundamentals of business planning, assume the roles of a successful entrepreneur, recognize the trends in business structures and activities in retail and service organizations.

By the end of the course students will be able to gather the required information to develop a realistic Business Plan.

Sponsored by Armenian International Women's Association (AIWA)

This 9-week course is designed to equip students with reading, listening, speaking and writing skills, as well as to help them improve their pronunciation, build vocabulary, and extend grammatical knowledge.

Learning never exhausts the mind. (Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci)

This course in business entrepreneurship is built on the seven knowledge areas of innovation (intellect, domain knowledge, thinking, problem solving, creativity, innovation, as well as execution) applied to entrepreneurial conceptualization and recognition of the business opportunity. Participants will be able to work on their individual organizational skills and be able to readily articulate their business vision, identify the business challenges and be able to analyze and make appropriate decisions. Upon completion of this course the student will have a grasp of the fundamentals of business planning, assume the roles of a successful entrepreneur, recognize the trends in business structures and activities in retail and service organizations.

By the end of the course students will be able to develop their Business Model Canvas.

Sponsored by Armenian International Women's Association (AIWA) http://aiwainternational.org/

Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.  

 Albert Einstein 

Learning never exhausts the mind. (Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci)

During these 9 weeks we will strengthen our knowledge about English language and put it in practice in a maximum way!

This course aims at the presentation and practice of language at the pre-intermediate level of proficiency to communication effectively in everyday social and workplace situations. Emphasis is on developing the four integrated language skills through a function based communicative approach. Learners develop their structural accuracy, oral fluency and language appropriateness by practicing the language in real-life situations.

General English course 
This General English course is designed for Level 4 students to master their receptive and productive skills in the English language, as well as build a firm grammar basis and expand their vocabulary with loads of words and collocations.

The course is accompanied by abundant additional material provision on the Electronic Platform of Moodle.

During the course students take 4 quizzes- one after every four units. The course achievements are summarized in the Written Exam and Topic Presentations on the last day.

This General English course is designed for Level 3 students to master their receptive and productive skills in the English language, as well as build a firm grammar basis and expand their vocabulary with loads of words and collocations.

The course is accompanied by abundant additional material provision on the Electronic Platform of Moodle.

During the course students take 4 quizzes- one after every four units. The course achievements are summarized in the Written Exam and Topic Presentations on the last day.

This course aims at the presentation and practice of language for responding to social exchanges in a communicative framework at the basic level of proficiency. 14 Learners are exposed to and use basic grammar and language functions to communicate accurately and appropriately about their life, work and interests in simple everyday situations.

Intermediate Business English Course - covers basic Business English vocabulary, grammar used in business situations, and role plays of various business situations.

A General English Course aimed to help students improve Receptive and Productive skills for the better command of the English Language. The course also focuses on the expansion of their active vocabulary, as well as proper grammar delivery and recycling.

A General English Course aimed to help students improve Receptive and Productive skills for the better command of the English Language. The course also focuses on the expansion of their active vocabulary, as well as proper grammar delivery and recycling.

A course designed for students who plan to take a TOEFL iBT test. The lessons help students develop Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking skills, as needed to successfully answer the exam questions. A rich vocabulary is also delivered and recycled on a regular basis. .
Only recent authentic test materials and trustworthy electronic sources are used.

The course intends to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as enriching vocabulary and laying a solid foundation of grammar. Though all the language skills are emphasized, speaking skills are a central focus of this course, with an emphasis on natural, conversational language.

This course focuses on Listening and Speaking skills with a grammar review section which serves as a supplement to increase awareness of function and form at the pre-intermediate level. All four skills will be practiced  to increase the confidence and self-esteem in students in these areas as a whole.

This course is designed to develop the skills and strategies of IBT test takers to succeed on the test at the best.

A General English Course aimed to help students improve Receptive and Productive skills for the better command of the English Language. The course also focuses on the expansion of their active vocabulary, as well as proper grammar delivery and recycling.

Course covers pre-intermediate level English.

This is a Moodle demo course. Here you will be able to practice and learn how to use Moodle. 

The Intensive English Summer course aims to prepare the conditionally admitted undergraduate students for academic demands at the American University of Armenia. The primary purpose of the course is to improve students’ English proficiency and develop their basic academic as well as computer skills. Students who successfully complete the course fulfill the English requirement for full admission to AUA without having to re-take iBT or IELTS.